New Pathology Tests For Skin Cancer

Exciting Developments In Skin Cancer Detection


Experimental Tests

There are several pathology tests in the experimental stages that could potentially assist in the early detection of skin cancer.

Several of which, carried out by researchers in New York, take only 48 hours to be able to identify circulating Melanoma DNA in a sample of blood.

The main goals of these tests are to find out as early as possible when treatment for advanced Melanomas has failed, if a Melanoma has come out of remission, or to inform that a patient needs to change treatments.

Another test being studied by the QIMR Berghofer Institute in Queensland is researching blood-borne mRNA (Messenger RNA) which may assist with monitoring the progression of Melanoma.

Prevention And Early Detection Are Key

These are all very exciting potential developments - however regular skin cancer checks and taking precautions against UV are still your best bet in the fight against skin cancer.

Prevention and early intervention are the key to the best outcomes.



New DNA-based blood tests to detect unidentifiable skin cancers in 48 hours -

Doctors: New Blood Tests Can Detect Skin Cancer -